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Vocational Letters – July 2019. A fraternal greeting to the communities that have not lost hope for a better world; faith in Jesus the missionary, sustaining us with love for people, especially those most vulnerable. I invite you to review Chapter III of the Exhortation Christus Vivit that has a profound and interesting view towards today's youth. I think more than one of you has experienced headaches when trying to provoke interest in young people while leading a talk, a video or some dynamics; even more so, if you intend to reach a transformative dialogue that opens up the novelty of your questions and sensitivities, which at times, dares to move us. The Chapter mentioned, may give us keys to build bridges with the thinking process of the current world by going through the digital characteristic of our contemporary societies, and with its limits and possibilities. At the same time, it painfully offers us various contexts of individuals who because of their young age are stifled by limiting situations, thus leaving us silent. There are also circumstances that causes them to lose their youth. One example is the phenomenon of migrations with its diverse causes which become a challenge to face world standards. In this context, as a young Claretian who is trying to listen and dialogue within these contexts and concrete life experiences, it would be worthwhile to direct hope not only forward, but in the future, within us, right now, since this motivates us to commit / me for the cause of the Kingdom. Here is where I find a reason why Jesus continues to be the model for everyone who wants to follow him. What is that reason? In addition, we are called to delve into a topic that has been talked about and is still being talked about: individualism, is so widespread on a global scale. However, I would like to mention it because it is a negative value in our communities. Again, I want you to remember how Jesus acted, because he shared the mission, gave himself to others and despite everything believed in the other person. This is why I put hope in the present. It’s what constantly renews us, because we know that alone, isolated from all commitment and retreating into ourselves, we lose strength, empty ourselves, and become confused. On the other hand, if we are encourage to invest in the community, we’re able to face life together with others, confronting and discerning what is best in each circumstance. It is a thorny path, but has meaning. Trust in him, and LIVE!

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