Catholicism is not a mere lifestyle but rather a realm of existence known as eternal life (eternal love) in which we enter by baptism.
The realm in which we enter is a state of love perfected known as God Himself (God is love) (1 John 4:8). In this realm we, and all aspcets of our lives, are redeemed. By fully cooperating with grace by committing without reserve, we realize, sustain, and maintain the fullness of our redemption.
By committing without reserve, we participate in answering Christ’s prayer to bring heaven to earth (Matthew 6:10)

Because there is no marriage (Matthew 22:30) those who are committed to all as their mother, father, son, or daughter are realizing heaven on earth in a special way (Matthew 19:29).
Now why is committing so important? It is in committing that we are sealed like Mary a “fountain sealed” (Song of Solomon 4:12). Why is it so important to be sealed? The answer is obvious. We are vessels of the Holy Spirit. Grace can be left unused if we have cracks in our commitment also known as indecision or “double-mindedness” (James 1:8)
To further my point, the Holy Spirit is called “mighty rushing wind” in scripture (Acts 2:2). When the doors and windows are left open in a house the wind, left unchanneled, loses its strength. However, when we close some doors and windows the wind is contained and channeled. As we commit we are closing doors to other options. This is good. This channeling of grace is also what is known as being “focused.” The five virgins already realized a high degree of sanctity because, after all, they were the five virgins. However, they lost their focus and were weakened. Slowly they drifted off to sleep (Matthew 25:1-13). Committing gives us the edge to stay alert, to stay awake, to realize, maintain, and sustain bringing heaven to earth.
Now an interesting result of commitment in Christ is that we ultimately need not experience change as others do. Whether events seem good, bad, or somewhere in between our experience of eternal life (eternal love) does not change, does not vacillate. But rather, we remain engulfed in perfect love throughout life’s events. Our rest in this realm of eternal life is as constant as Jesus’ rest on the waves of storm, without interruption (John 10:10). This is the great freedom of the sacramental life, of committed vocation, embraced.