Vocational Life in the present time
Why is it so hard for us to hear the call?
In today's world, with so much noise and so many distractions, we almost cannot hear the voice of God in our hearts. We are facing a vast sea of possibilities for personal improvement and its current is stronger than the narrow rivers we navigate in search of our own identity. Then, we succumb to the majesty of the seas of living our vocation.
VOCATION... What is Vocation!? When this question enters for a moment into our minds, immediately the sea of social and cybernetic possibilities speaks to us: Doctor, Teacher, Lawyer, etc., etc. What gives me more money and social status? And then we embark on a vocational career in the wrong way: whatever gives me more social and economic position. But, if it's not what I'm passionate about, and what pushes me to live despite the setbacks, then I end up in discouragement and routine, which leads to personal dissatisfaction and therefore bad performance. This is where we often meet people who only perform in a routine and monotonous way, without passion or joy.
But let's talk about what is VOCATION - VOCACION - VOCARE - CALLING. The call is related to the desires, the tastes, interests and the aptitudes of a person. In the Christian life, it is related to God's call to a specific state of life, possibly related to religious life.
VOCATION has been part of our lives since the beginning of time when God created man. It develops throughout life, and is always being built upon. This involves us discovering: Who am I? What am I like? and Where do I want to go? For some it is natural to discover their vocational call. For others it is more difficult and they need the guidance of professionals. The most important thing is to have the desire and the courage to discover our true personal vocation.

Who I am? What is my true vocation? The one that calls me and transforms my life into something productive, that excites me and leads me to serve my neighbor. Here begins our discernment in prayer. Read Matthew 6:6. Enter the room of your heart and let the light of the Holy Spirit illuminate your life and help you find your vocation.
How do I know that it is God who calls me? That this is the right path? Where is God calling me to go?
Go ahead, be brave, let the Holy Spirit enter your heart and guide you to discover your vocation. Matthew 6:6.