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I am a Claretian Missionary currently working in a Claretian parish in the city of São Miguel de Guaporé, in the State of Rondonia, Brazil. Not long ago, a young "pejotero," as we usually call young people who participate in the pastoral care of young people and vocations, asked me: - "Sister, do you like the mission here in Rondonia? Here everything is very different from your country ... "(I am a native of Paraguay). I replied: - "Yes, I am, and very much. First of all, for me to follow Jesus is not a routine. Daily, when reflecting on the Word, I discover new facets of the person of Jesus; the same thing happens to me when I reflect on the reality where I live. This leads me to become more and more passionate about the person of Jesus. In addition, sharing with young people, I experience much happiness and hope that emerges from the life that you carry in yourselves and you transmit to all of us who live with you." Following Jesus as a Claretian Missionary and in the company of young people always leads me to an unconditional availability at the service of the Kingdom, to look with tenderness and mercy on my own history and on each young person with their realities. I believe that the youthful realities have always been difficult and today is no exception; but I am also convinced that they are the product of a way of being and living in society of which they interact. In my experience of walking with them, I discover and feel much of God’s "goodness in each individual." This touches me deeply; it invites me to welcome and accompany this "seed of the Word," so that they may discover, taste, experience the loving presence of God in their lives and be happy people. I pray with Father Claret: "That they know you and make you known, that they love you and enable you to love, that they serve you and enable you to serve ..." This path has always meant for me the challenge of witnessing to life; not in a "mounted, premeditated" way, but "being what I am" with temperament and spontaneity: a woman, Consecrated missionary and with a unique touch: Claretian; I admit that this is not easy for me because I am merely a "clay vessel" that with the grace of God, I continue a pilgrimage with great peace and hope. I always profess gratitude to God for allowing me to walk my religious-missionary life, alongside young people. I feel loved, encouraged and strengthened by the Lord and I’m encouraged to share with them that spiritual joy which is inexplicable when a young individual looks me in the eye and says: - "I am very happy Sister for having participated in a one week mission experience. I will never forget this experience because it is something unique in my life!" I pray with you Psalm 33; “Taste and see the goodness of the Lord!” Sr. Limpia Concepción Giménez González MIC Rondonia, Brasil.

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