Vocational Letters, September 2019.
A fraternal embrace for all communities that proclaim to young people the love that God has for
them and feel driven by the strength of the Gospel of Jesus, with renewed passion to continue
walking and the love to walk with them.
Chapter V of the Exhortation "Christus Vivit" opens opportunities to new challenges and helps us to
deepen the paths of youth. By accompanying what inhabits the hearts of young people, their
feelings and quests, their stories and dreams prompts us to "walk" with the certainty of being in a "sacred space."
The lives of young people are marked by dreams, relationships, and choices that allow them to work on the construction of a life project. That is why I believe that connecting with young people, with their deepest dreams touches a sacred dimension in their being.
Dreams nourish, feed and project. Dreams inspire, keep us on our way, causes us to risk, even if we make mistakes, assuming the achievements and failures necessary to strengthen the heart, in order to grow and mature.
Jesus let himself be inspired by his dreams and committed himself to them and lived them. Jesus' dreams give a new way of relating in history. By proposing to young people to enter into the Gospel, they form a friendship with Him, to connect with their dream, in a way, to find the deepest meaning of their existence.
Jesus’, "sacred space of the Father," invites and proposes the question, do you want to know where I live? "Come and see." Jesus asks them to "remain in my love." He sets out to walk with those who are sad or disoriented. Jesus enlightens our hearts when he shares the scriptures with us on the way and in the breaking of the bread.
He is able to unite all young people in a single dream, a dream capable of sheltering everyone. That dream for which he gave His life on the cross and which the fire of the Spirit at Pentecost, enables us to wait for him, so as, to find space to grow and develop. A dream, called Jesus, sown by the Father which will grow and live in every heart. A concrete dream of a person, who runs through our veins, shakes our heart and makes one dance."
This dream of Jesus included others, so it invites and causes others to be awakened by their own dreams. Jesus leads us to discover and live experiences of fraternity.
Pope Francis encourages young people to value and faithfully care for friends. But he proposes that they move beyond their group of friends and build "social friendships," to seek the common good.
Clearly, it will not be an easy task, but if we do it for the good of all, we can achieve the magnificent experiences of setting aside the differences to work together for a common good. If we can find points of agreeing in the midst of many dissents, in that artisanal endeavor, at times costly to build a peace that is good for all, that is the miracle of the culture of encounter that young people must dare to live with Passion.
He concludes by proposing to young people to be servants of the poor, protagonists of a revolution of charity and service, so that they able to resist the pathologies of consumerist and superficial individualism. He asks them to go against the current and know how to share Jesus, communicate the faith He gave. YOU ARE THE "NOW OF GOD" BE FRUITFUL.
Brothers and Sisters, I invite you to give thanks for the lives of young people, who, mobilized by their concerns and pursuits, do not let them lose their dreams and but continue rowing out to sea against the current and commit themselves to the cause of the Kingdom. And for those who find themselves in other areas of participation, encourage them to work today, becoming volunteers, active and social citizens, seeking a more humane and just society.
Finally, for all of us who share with them the way, may Jesus be the center of our lives and mission.

May we find it embodied in young people who are forgotten or excluded, in a situation of poverty and vulnerability. Jesus wants us there, together with them, having open eyes, a sensitive heart full of tenderness, engaged in the struggle for justice and peace, working for an inclusive society where we all
find a place.
Fraternal greeting in the Heart of Jesus growing in wisdom and grace before
God and all.
Ana Luisa Gil
Cordi-Marian Filiation – Argentina