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Three Steps to Find your Vocation

We all have a call in life; the word “call” comes from the Latin “Vocare” (to call).

Here are three simple steps to find your call in life:


Ask God sincerely “What do you want from me?” “What is my mission in life?” “Where I am the happiest when I do the things that make me happy?” You can pray anywhere; yet, our hearts pray better when we bare it in front of the Blessed Sacrament. Pray also for the Immaculate Heart of Mary’s intercession; she is good at reminding Jesus about you and reminding you to “do whatever he tells you!”

Pay Attention

After you ask God to show you the way; be present to yourself and the people, events and things around you. You can find an answer in the midst of a conversation, a TV show, a song, a conference, an event or even by looking at old family pictures. God speaks through his creation, the sacraments, the Bible, a friend (or even a foe); it comes down to your capacity to listen intentionally.


When something rings a bell, don’t be idle, but rather act upon it. Talk to someone whom you trust about this “call” you may be feeling. Find a spiritual director at your parish (Google it). Go on retreat. Email or text vocation directors. Attend a “Come and See.” You can take a test to find out if you are called to the religious missionary here.

Think of PPA: Pray; Pay Attention; Act. These steps can help you find your ultimate call in life.

We can accompany you and help you find your call; please contact us here or visit our website

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