Since the feast day of our founder, St. Anthony Mary Claret, is on October 24th, we invite you to pray this novena with us for those discerning their vocations starting on October 16th.
In The Footsteps of Saint Anthony Mary Claret

Day 1
St. Anthony Mary Claret, you were raised in a family rooted with Christian teachings and at the early age you grasped the purpose of our existence on earth. At the age of five you were thinking about eternal life. In order to avoid the eternal suffering and to share the eternal happiness with God, you started to live a life based on Gospel values. Pray for me, that I may know the purpose of my existence and do the Will of God.
Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank you for giving us your servant, St. Anthony Mary Claret, as an example of faithfulness to God. Help us to walk in the footsteps of Saint Anthony Mary Claret in fixing our eyes on Jesus.
To learn more about Saint Anthony Mary Claret visit:
Day 2

St. Anthony Mary Claret, you pursued to be a weaver and loom programmer, but soon realized that God was calling you to serve Him in the priesthood. In spite of your poor health and the hostilities of others, you continued to serve God faithfully as a priest. Pray for me, that I may serve God faithfully no matter what obstacles I may face. Pray that I may always be a loving servant of God.
Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank you for giving us your servant, St. Anthony Mary Claret, as an example of faithfulness to God. Help us to walk in the footsteps of Saint Anthony Mary Claret in serving the Lord unwaveringly.
To learn more about Saint Anthony Mary Claret visit:
Day 3

St. Anthony Mary Claret, you desired to become a Carthusian monk at the start of your vocational journey. However, you decided to enter the diocesan seminary instead, desiring to be faithful to the path God was calling you to follow. Pray for me, that I may be open to whatever God calls me to in my life. Pray that I may happily do His will, even when He calls me to serve Him in unexpected ways.
Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank you for giving us your servant, St. Anthony Mary Claret, as an example of faithfulness to God. Help us to walk in the footsteps of Saint Anthony Mary Claret in willing to serve you in unexpected ways.
To learn more about Saint Anthony Mary Claret visit:
Day 4

St. Anthony Mary Claret, you prayed to God, “Lord let me stand at the gates of the hell so that I could warn sinners from entering, by telling them each of them ‘turn back! Make a good confession and save your souls.’” You wanted to be an itinerant missionary. So as a priest, you traveled to Rome to present yourself to the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith so that they could send you anywhere in the world. Pray for me, that I may never miss the opportunity to serve God by ministering to those around me.
Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank you for giving us your servant, St. Anthony Mary Claret, as an example of faithfulness to God. Help us to walk in the footsteps of Saint Anthony Mary Claret in seeking to serve others.
To learn more about Saint Anthony Mary Claret visit:
Day 5

St. Anthony Mary Claret, you spent much of your life in service to the poor and afflicted. You faithfully served God by ministering to the poor around you. As a bishop, you took special interest in improving the lives of the poor in your diocese. You knew that serving those less privileged is to serve God well. Pray for me, that I may always be aware of the needs of those around me. Pray that I may faithfully serve God in every opportunity He presents to me.
Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank you for giving us your servant, St. Anthony Mary Claret, as an example of faithfulness to God. Help us to walk in the footsteps of Saint Anthony Mary Claret in seeking always to minister to the needy around us.
To learn more about Saint Anthony Mary Claret visit:
Day 6

St. Anthony Mary Claret, you were a gifted preacher. People came from miles around to hear your eloquent preaching. You allowed God to work through you to bring others closer to Him. When you conducted retreats, so many people came to hear you and often you preached even more before the retreats began. Pray for me, that I may seek to glorify God with the gifts He has given me.
Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank you for giving us your servant, St. Anthony Mary Claret, as an example of faithfulness to God. Help us to walk in the footsteps of Saint Anthony Mary Claret in in putting our gifts to use in God’s service.
To learn more about Saint Anthony Mary Claret visit:
Day 7

St. Anthony Mary Claret, before you even began serving as an archbishop, you made three separate pilgrimages in honor of the Blessed Virgin. As a child, you along with your sister made frequent visits to the shrine of the Blessed Virgin Mary which was seven kilometers away from your hometown. You did not miss a chance to proclaim the glory of the Blessed Virgin Mother. You said, “After Jesus, Mary is everything for us.” Pray for me, that my devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary may grow stronger.
Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank you for giving us your servant, St. Anthony Mary Claret, as an example of faithfulness to God. Help us to walk in the footsteps of Saint Anthony Mary Claret in never ceasing to proclaim the greatness of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
To learn more about Saint Anthony Mary Claret visit:
Day 8

St. Anthony Mary Claret, you founded your religious congregation ‘Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary’, in order to bring others into the good works you had already begun. You also helped establish a congregation for nuns. Your religious orders have flourished, and today they continue to spread the Good News throughout the world. Pray for me, that I may faithfully carry out whatever tasks God has planned for me.
Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank you for giving us your servant, St. Anthony Mary Claret, as an example of faithfulness to God. Help us to walk in the footsteps of Saint Anthony Mary Claret in devoting ourselves to spread the Good News through our work.
To learn more about Saint Anthony Mary Claret visit:
Day 9

St. Anthony Mary Claret, you remained a faithful servant to God throughout your life. You faced many trials and tribulations in serving the Lord. You had to flee in exile because of your passion for saving souls. However, you never wavered in your faithfulness to God. Your legacy of holiness lives on in the Church today and in the religious orders you established that now serve the humanity around the world. Pray for me, that I may always seek to work for the good of the entire Body of Christ.
Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank you for giving us your servant, St. Anthony Mary Claret, as an example of faithfulness to God. Help us to walk in the footsteps of Saint Anthony Mary Claret in remaining faithful servant of God throughout our life, as he did.
To learn more about Saint Anthony Mary Claret visit:
If you are a young man discerning your vocation, our Vocation Director would love to accompany you on your journey. Contact him today!